Sequoias, Birds and Habitats: Works from 2007 – 2014
Moorpark College Art Gallery7075 Campus Road, Administration BuildingMoorpark, CA 93021 February 27 – April 7, 2015 Artist Lecture:March 12th, 11amTechnology Building, Room 105 Gallery Hours:Monday – Thursday 9a – 9pFriday 8a – noon From 2007 to 2014, Andre Yi has created drawings, sculptures, and collages about his home state of California. From Giant Sequoias, to…
[Meta] Mentors: Artists and Industry
Friday, February 24, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM West Hall Meeting Room 515A, Level 2, Los Angeles Convention Center Chairs: Reni Gower, Virginia Commonwealth University; Vesna Pavlovic, Vanderbilt University Sculptural Effects and Fabrication for the Motion Picture IndustryKirk Starbird, independent artist John Michael Kohler Art Center: Arts/Industry ResidencySue Johnson, St. Mary’s College of Maryland MAK Center for…
Discussion Group to focus on Art in the age of the Internet
Virginia Katz and RAID Projects will be hosting another informal art discussion group on April 13th, with special guest Andre Yi. Please join us in the conversation. Andre Yi will focus on Art in the Age of the Internet and Its Impact on the Arts Culture. Does viewing art on the internet do a service…
Establishing and Refining an Artist’s Web Presence
Lecture and discussion with Andre Yi This 2 hour informative workshop will address the following topics: Form vs. Function — which is more important when creating a user friendly site, or can they both be applied effectively?Common misconceptions that artists make when creating their web siteThe most suitable site architecture for displaying artwork onlineIssues artists…