The Randstad – Solo Show at Carl Berg Gallery

The current work consists of architecture in and around the Randstad. The Ranstad refers to a ring of the four biggest cities in the Netherlands; Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht. The architectural landscape of Rotterdam is reminiscent of the Southern California landscape that has been the subject of my earlier paintings. The diffused light quality of Holland has insinuated its way into these paintings giving them a softer and more dreamlike setting that is contrasted with the precise architectural rendering of the buildings and greenhouses that form the subject matter of these paintings. Illustrated in a field of color, the architectural renderings sit immersed in gestural markings that reflect the dynamic flow of the Dutch landscape.

March 19 – April 16 2005
Reception: Saturday, March 19 6-9pm

6018 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90036